The reporting tab will be helpful at displaying all your containers, whether opened or unopened as well as all physical counts (biennial and manual physical counts).

  • Audit:
    • Reports can be generated at an individual drug level and for a specific date range
    • Logs are shown for each day on the report
    • This report can be used by the DEA for audit purposes. 
  • Container Status:
    • This shows the status of all containers per drug
    • This also includes detail regarding when the container was added, moved to Opened, and other container history
  • Authorized Personnel
    • This shows the approval between the DEA registered provider and the employees that said provider has approved.
    • Shows current and former signatures - when they were created, their signatures, who their provider approver is, and the date access was removed (if that applies).
  • Physical Counts
    • This shows any manual physical counts taken of both open and unopened containers, including biennial counts